24th Central Bank Macroeconomic Modeling Workshop
13 - 15 October, 2021
Santiago, Chile
The Central Bank of Chile hosted the 24th Central Bank Macroeconomic Modeling Workshop (CBMMW).
The keynote speakers will be Fatih Guvenen (University of Minnesota) and Markus Brunnermeier (Princeton University). A round table will address new monetary policy frameworks.
The organizing committee invites submissions of both theoretical and empirical work on the following topics:
New monetary policy frameworks (dual mandates, average inflation targeting, etc.)
Risks of low inflation traps and how to prevent or escape
Developments in monetary policy transparency and central bank communications
Analytical frameworks to support price and financial stability objectives
Effects of COVID-19 and related policy implications
Analytical frameworks to support fiscal policy analysis
Commodities and terms-of-trade shocks
Micro data, surveys and big data as support to policy decisions
Other hot topics in macroeconomic modeling relevant for both monetary and fiscal policy analysis.
Organizing committee:
Jorge Fornero, CBoC
Douglas Laxton, The Better Policy Project
Sofia Bauducco, CBoC
Benjamín García, CBoC
Emiliano Luttini, CBoC
Andrés Sansone, CBoC
Important Dates: We invite authors to submit completed papers (preferred) or extended abstracts in pdf format to cbmmw@bcentral.cl by 15 April 2021. Authors of accepted papers will be informed by June 30, 2021.
Learn more here.